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Seasonal Mosquitoes

Sideview of a dark brown mosquito
California Salt Marsh Mosquito (Aedes squamiger)

California Salt Marsh Mosquito (Aedes squamiger)

Adults emerge in March and remain active through June. Breeds in coastal salt marshes but may fly up to 20 miles. Bites aggressively during the day. May become a major pest to humans.





Sideview of a light brown mosquito
Summer Salt Marsh Mosquito (Aedes dorsalis)

Summer Salt Marsh Mosquito (Aedes dorsalis)

Adults are active late spring into the fall. Breeds in tidal or reclaimed marshes, but may fly long distances. Aggressively bites during the day. Can be a major pest to humans and a secondary vector for Western Equine Encephalitis.




Sideview of a dark brown mosquito
Fresh Water Mosquito (Aedes washinoi)

Fresh Water Mosquito (Aedes washinoi)

Adults emerge late winter to early spring. Breeds in freshwater ground pools and shaded pits near rivers or streams. Does not fly more than 1/2 mile from breeding habitat. Bites humans during the day. Can become a localized pest.





Sideview of a light brown mosquito
Large Winter Mosquito (Culiseta inornata)

Large Winter Mosquito (Culiseta inornata)

Active fall through spring. Larvae are found in sunlit water with some shade. Rarely feeds on humans. Not usually a major vector or pest.












Sideview of a dark brown mosquito
Culiseta particeps

Culiseta particeps

Present year-round. Breeds at edges of natural water sources. Prefers large animals but will feed on humans in shaded areas. Not usually a major pest or vector.







Sideview of a dark brown mosquito
Western Treehole Mosquito (Aedes sierrensis)

Western Treehole Mosquito (Aedes sierrensis)

Active in spring, but can be found in summer and fall. Breeds in treeholes or small containers. Aggressive biter, both day and night, particularly in shaded areas. Major pest to humans and vector of dog heartworm. Learn more HERE.





Southern California Malaria Mosquito (Anopheles hermsi)

Adult activity peaks in June and July. Breeds in matted cattails and roots of willows, river margins, streams, and pools. Aggressive biters at sunrise and sunset. Capable of transmitting malaria.


Sideview of a dark brown mosquito
Woodland Malaria Mosquito (Anopheles punctipennis)

Woodland Malaria Mosquito (Anopheles punctipennis)

Adults are active in spring and summer. Breeds in grassy pools along creeks and permanent rivers. Mostly feeds on animals other than humans, but is capable of transmitting malaria.






Sideview of a light brown mosquito
Anopheles franciscanus

Anopheles franciscanus

Active in spring and summer. Larvae are found in shallow, sunlit pools at the edge of streams. Rarely bites humans, but is capable of transmitting malaria.






Sideview of a light brown mosquito
Anopheles occidentalis

Anopheles occidentalis

Active in spring and summer. Larvae live in small pools and moving streams, ponds, and lakes. Rarely bites humans, but is capable of transmitting malaria.

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